Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pizza, pizza, pizza

This week in preschool we have been setting up and running our own pretend pizza shop. We have been playing with pretend pizzas, rollers, pizza boxes (from Pizza Hut, even the real thing), a variety of toppings and setting up a table complete with a red/white checkered table cloth to serve our yummy pies! The students are really enjoying this activity. We are concluding our concluding this week by making our own mini pizza's on Friday....yum, yum!

Next week we will be continuing with the restaurant theme and serving up ice cream in our ice cream shop! What flavor do you like? I think my friends' favorite part might be the sprinkles!

For snack on Wednesday of this week we made pudding pies and boy were they tasty. As a group we read the recipe box to make two big boxes of chocolate pudding. Everyone got a turn at pouring and stirring and waiting (that was that hardest part). We smelled the pudding and decided it smelled really good! Then we scooped it into mini pie crusts, plopped on some cool whip and topped it guessed it.....sprinkles! Doesn't get any better then that! I had to be out of the room when my friends ate their creations but I hear they enjoyed them alot. They saved one just for me which I had for my lunch time dessert today and it was pretty tasty!

On Tuesday we had a special visitor to continue our community helper visits. Lea Krannawitter, a friend of Miss Amy's, and a great eye doctor, visited our classroom to share with us what you do when you go see an eye doctor. She brought along an eye chart and we told her what letters we saw. She also brought some other cards that had drawings of a house, circle, apple and square and we had to see if our eyes could see them....I think we all passed! :) The coolest part was two special books that she brought. One tested our color vision and the other had special glasses that went along with it and helped us see things in 3-D....kinda cool! All of my friends were very nice during her visit! She brought along her own little assistant, her 3 year old daughter Mia, who helped her pass around the books and glasses. My friend Kaden was super sweet and suggested we all tell Mia our names so she knew who we were! :)

We have welcomed two new friend to our classroom this week. Bri and Erick started on Tuesday and are with us in the mornings right now. We are happy to have them in our classroom. They are doing a great job of learning the ropes and figuring out all the fun things we do in preschool!

I want to send a BIG thank you to all parents who attended Parent Teacher Conferences! I very much enjoy meeting with each of you and sharing all the wonderful things your children are doing in school this year. We are having a very successful year and I'm very proud of each of my students and their accomplishments! Thank you for coming!

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