Friday, September 16, 2011

Week of September 12th

This week we read the book I Am Really Really Concentrating.  We talked about what it means to concentrate and really focus on an activity.  We also talked about obstacle courses and set up a few during centers...those sure are fun!  Our favorite was walk the balance beam, jump through hula hoops and jump on the trampoline!  We have been trying out lots of new games on our classroom iPad.  So far we really like the counting games we have tried and some letter tracing games!  In circle time, we are really enjoying our stretching and yoga activities...they help us relax so we are better able to listen.  We have also really enjoyed seeing what our helper jobs are.  We are learning that 1 or 2 friends each week won't have a helper job but that is ok, because if we don't have one this week, then we will next week! In snack time we are working hard on opening our straw wrappers with out tearing the paper in to several pieces and no blowing our wrapper across the many rules to remember!

Just a reminder, we will go outside every day unless it is raining.  Please be sure to send appropriate attire for your student so they stay warm outside.  This time of year is very tricky to figure out how to dress students each day as the temperature in the morning can be very different from mid and end of the day!  Occasionally we have a spare jacket laying around but that's not guaranteed, so students with out a jacket on days they really need one will need to stay inside.  I am sure you can imagine how hard that is when you are 3 or 4 to stay inside when all your friends go outside!

We are really enjoying specials!  Thanks so much for having library books in backpacks, that is very helpful on library day so we can make sure they get returned! 

Next week (week of September 19th) we will be talking about measuring and reading a book called Just How Long Can a Long String Be?  We will also be talking about apples towards the end of the week and doing one of Miss Amy's favorite fall time activities....making homemade apple sauce! 

Please be sure to check out our lesson plans if you would like to know what we are doing each week.  They are posted in the website links on the right hand side.  Each week they will be labeled with the dates those plans will be in place.

Soon I'll be sending home notes about scheduling Parent Teacher Conferences.  Please be sure to check your child's yellow folder daily as there will be notes and other important information from time to time!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Week of September 5th

This week you recieved information in your child's daily home folder about the Madison Elementary Walk-a-thon.  This is an optional fundraiser to participate in. If you choose to, there is a flyer that explains what you need to do.  If you collect money it needs to be returned to school by Wednesday September 21st.

Book order forms for Scholastic also came home last week.  Please return any order forms or complete the online order by this Friday September 9th if you would like to order books.  Remember, each time you order books we earn bonus points for our classroom which we use to get fun new books for the room. As always, scholastic book orders are optional.

Please be sure to check back often to this blog site.  I will post links to our weekly lesson plans, books we have been reading and other fun activities.  I will also keep the calendar updated on the right hand side. 

Please be sure to be checking your students daily book each day.  While the daily information may be brief I will continue to use this as a place to share important information as well as papers and other information sent home (in the front cover). 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Welcome to a new school year

Welcome!  A new school year is about to start!  I'm very excited to welcome this year's class of preschoolers to my classroom!  This blog will be used through out the year to share information about our classroom and activities as well as to share pictures of my little friends have a great time at school. 

First day of school: Wednesday August 17th

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fun Field Trip

Today was our field trip to Celebration Park and we had a blast!  The girls were most excited about riding the bus.  But then we all had a great time once we got to the park and ran and climbed and slid and swang!  I took lots of pictures that I will try to post this evening!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A few pictures with more to come soon!

Shopping cart races are a great way to end a long day!

Two friends play together!

Constructing train tracks is a favorite activity

The kitchen center was a BIG hit the first few weeks of school!

Mmmm, snack time!

Making towers with pegs

Rice and beans table is tons of fun

Thursday, September 16, 2010


When: Thursday September 30th
Where: Celebration Park
Time: Leave school at 8:45am, return to school at 11:00am
Transportation: Bus (for all students and staff)
Activities: small pumpkin patch for students, fun fall activities

**Parents are welcome to join us at the park, we should arrive around 9:00am. We will not have enough room on the bus for extra adults. Permission forms are coming home today (Thursday Sept. 16th). Please complete and return this form to school by Monday September 20th. Also, an email was sent out to all parents today asking about car seats on the bus. If you have not already, please email me and let me know if your child will need a car seat on the bus. Students qualify for car seats if they are less then 4 years old old less the 40 lbs. If possible, I need a head count for car seats by today. Dismissal times will the as normal through out the day.

If you have any further questions, please let me know!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Having lots of fun!

Well, we are well into the new school year and everything is going great!! We are having tons of fun and already learning lots! All of my friends are doing a great job remembering all of their tasks when they first arrive....get their folder, move their picture, choose snack drink, hang up backpack, write name, soapy soap on hands, then go to table toys...whew! Lots to do, but they are doing great!

The first few weeks we had the pretend kitchen set up and everyone loved it. After that we transformed our kitchen into a grocery store...boy was that fun shopping for empty cereal and drink containers! Last week we closed up the kitchen and store and set up the bus station with our pop up bus. We visited many places in our bus and took turns being the out...wild drivers in here! This week in our pretend center we are doing office. Today was lots of fun pretending to type on the keyboards and write letters to our friends. A few parents are getting lots of beautiful sticker filled envelopes today :)

At the art table we have been very busy learning all about all the different things we can use at the art table...glue, scissors, paper, stickers, crayons, markers...and the list goes on! We completed our first official art project...a school bus last week. We worked with our scissors on cutting out a big rectangle, smaller square and two circle wheels. That proved to be a challenge for some, but that's okay...those scissors can be tricky little things, but we will figure it out! We are proudly displaying our busses on our art wall in our classroom. This week we are making apple trees...but not just any ordinary apple trees. You might have noticed your child came home with some extra coloring on their little feet today :) That's because we painted the bottom on one of our feet brown and stomped on paper to make a tree trunk. Then we painted our hands green to make the tops of our tree. Tomorrow we will add apple stickers! Next week we will construct our own apple shakers to play during circle time!

Each morning we have the chance to work on some fine motor tasks....things we do with our little fingers. So far our favorite has been lacing and stacking small pegs to make a tall tower. We have also started working on our Handwriting With Out Tears workbooks. Each week we will do 1-2 pages and work our way through the book. So far we have just been practicing coloring in small circles. This week and next we will start working on tracing lines down and across.

Circle time is definitely one of our favorites! Each day we come to circle when the clean up music comes on (after we clean up of course). We have to find our names on our chair and hold our name card until all our friends make it over. First we sing our "where oh where oh" song to find out who is at school today. Next we sing our hello song then talk about our star helper jobs. We have talked about that we have to share our jobs and sometimes we dont get the job we wanted, but maybe next week will get that job. Waiting is so hard sometimes! Next in circle we talk about the weather and do calendar. If we have time we sing a few songs or do a movement activity. We listened to the Goldfish song last week...its pretty darn fun!

I will continue to update on our various activities in the classroom. Be sure to click on the Lesson Plans tab above to see the plans for each week. This would be a great way to ask your child about what they did at school each day! :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ready for week 2

We all made it through week 1 and had a great time and now it is already time for week 2! I am very excited about my class of preschoolers this year! Everyone is doing a great job adjusting to the new school year, schedules, rules, and expectations!

Thank you to all parents who were able to make it to Back to School Night! It was great to see everyone and share more information with you about my preschool program! Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions at any is the best way to get ahold of me!