Monday, February 23, 2009

Fruit Salad....Yummy Yummy!

Ian is thinking about the orange

Camden and Michelle enjoy their fruit salad

Chase and Ian also enjoy their fruit salad

Look how hard Michelle is working on the pear!

Ian gives the apple a try

Now doesn't that look tasty! :)

Chase perfects his banana peeling technique

Camden enjoyed licking the oranges!

Camden works on cutting oranges

Michelle works on cutting pears

Ian is working on the apples

Chase is picking grapes off the vine!

Last Friday morning we set out on our latest cooking adventure of making fruit salad. Of course the activity had to be proceded with watching the Wiggles Fruit Salad song/video first, just to get us warmed up. Then we all got our hands washed and sat down at the table. I showed the kids pictures of the ingredients we would use (green apples, red apples, bananas, grapes, pears, oranges) and had them go find each item on anther table. Then we handed out plates and plastic knives (with plenty of supervision!) and away they went. There was some very creative cutting and slicing going on or in the case of the bananas....Chase decided just breaking them in half would work too! And all the yummy fruit got tossed in the bowl, mixed up and down to the tummys! We had lots of satisfied customers with our little project. Given the amount of handling the food experienced :), us teachers just took the kids word for it that is was yummy! :) Above are some pictures of our activity!

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