Friday, January 15, 2010

Reminder - No School Monday

We finished out this week with just two students at school on Friday. A few of our friends were sick today....we hope they are feeling better real soon!

Please don't forget - NO SCHOOL MONDAY JANUARY 18TH - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

I will look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday morning! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Snow Pictures

Camden made a great snow angel

Our goofy paras from left to right: Holly, Sherrie, Amanda, Candace, Sue

Nick trying to get up after falling over :)

Camden was all smiles in the snow!

Michelle says "WHAT!" :)

Bri has her bucket ready to make a snow fort!

Erick is in deep thought!

Miss Amanda and Nick had fun jumping off the snow mountains

Bri making a snow angel

Michelle had a great time in the snow!

Erick movin' snow one small scoop at a time!

Snow Balls, Snow Angels and Snow Men

It was a GREAT day in preschool today! We bundled ourselves all up, pulled on our snow boots and headed out the snow drifts behind our classroom and boy did we have a good time! We stayed out almost 30 minutes as all of my friends were super excited to be out! We tossed around a few snow balls...Camden especially thought that was super funny! Then a few friends made a snow angel...that made Bri giggle lots! A few of our paras built a few snowmen who were quickly trampled by my friend Nick who laughed and laughed about that! :) Erick stayed very busy moving snow with the small shovel and Michelle spent most of her time climbing big snow mountains! We tried to make a snow slide and slide down on plastic bags and large lids. After we were all snowed out we took a little rest in the room for a few minutes with a Leap Frog movie.

This afternoon water color painted on mittens....big hit of an activity! We have some very beautiful mitten hanging in our hallway now!

I will be posting some pictures from our snow fun later this evening or tomorrow so be on the look out for those!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Calling all Snow Boots!

Whew, we are three days in to this week and we really need to go outside and play! :) So, tomorrow as long as the wind chill remains decent we will go out and play in the snow drifts outside our classroom. BUT....only students who have on snow boots will be able to go out. So, please be sure to send boots tomorrow and Friday so we can go play! :) I will also be sending home a note in your child's daily book to let you know if we need more changes of clothes as I would imagine we will need to change clothes after playing in the snow! :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome Back to School

Well, I think we are finally able to get 2nd semester started after a bit of a teaser for school last week and a slightly extended winter break! I hope everyone was able to stay warm and enjoy a few extra days off, however, I'm quite sure most parents are ready for the kiddos to get back to school and a routine! I know I'm definitely ready to get back into a routine and have fun at school with all of my friends!

We are starting off this week celebrating Miss Holly's birthday that was the end of December. Happy Birthday Miss Holly! A special treat is always fun in preschool! We enjoyed a birthday cookie with lots of frosting! Next week we will be celebrating Bri's birthday. She is so excited she can hardly stand it! :)

We will be reading the books The Mitten and The Hat by Jan Brett this week and doing activities based on these books.

Thank you to those who sent back your conference availability sheets. I will work on getting those scheduled in the next week or so! Parent Teacher Conferences will be here before you know it! :)

Reminder: Please be sure to send in mittens and hats. If the wind chill is above 20 degrees we will try to go outside for short periods of time to get some fresh air each day. If it is below 20 degrees we will stay inside and work out our sillies in the motor room or gym!

We got some great pictures from our Winter Program and Party that I will try to get posted soon! If any of you took any pictures that you would like to share feel free to email those to me. They would make great additions to our end of the year slideshow!

Have a great day!