Thursday, September 16, 2010


When: Thursday September 30th
Where: Celebration Park
Time: Leave school at 8:45am, return to school at 11:00am
Transportation: Bus (for all students and staff)
Activities: small pumpkin patch for students, fun fall activities

**Parents are welcome to join us at the park, we should arrive around 9:00am. We will not have enough room on the bus for extra adults. Permission forms are coming home today (Thursday Sept. 16th). Please complete and return this form to school by Monday September 20th. Also, an email was sent out to all parents today asking about car seats on the bus. If you have not already, please email me and let me know if your child will need a car seat on the bus. Students qualify for car seats if they are less then 4 years old old less the 40 lbs. If possible, I need a head count for car seats by today. Dismissal times will the as normal through out the day.

If you have any further questions, please let me know!

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