Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sun, rain, wind, storm, hot, cold, cool, warm..What the weather?

We have spent the last few weeks in preschool talking about the weather....and our Kansas weather has done a great job of being different every day to give us something new to talk about every day! It's not every where that you can talk hot weather and sunny days on one day then have to find your snow boots and winter coats again the next day! Our favorite activity has been catching scarves blown in the wind with the wind created by a blow dryer...who knew a simple blow dryer and a few scarves could be so fun....but they are!

Today we got to make cookies sent by our friend Noah. We made sugar cookies cut out with the Easter themed cookie cutters that Noah sent to us. Thank you Noah and Noah's mom! :) After they baked and we took a short recess break, we decorated them with frosting and sprinkles. Maybe the silliest question I asked all day was "what color of sprinkles do you want"...I should have know the answer was "all of them!" :)

In a few weeks we will be celebrating Earth day with a week full of great activities. Be on the look out for a note outlining the activities for the week. Just a quick preview....we will be taking part in a "green hour" each day by shutting down all electronics and lights, collecting cans for recyling and participating in a grade level project.

You will also be recieving a note soon about our upcoming Preschool Family Picnic. In conjunction with Miss Sara's class we will be celebrating our great school year at our family picnic scheduled for May 14th at Celebration Park. A note will be sent home soon with further details. I look forward to a great evening with our students, families and staff!

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