Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Today was a fun day! We got lots of work done this morning and even enjoyed some time outside despite the wind. After lunch we did circle time then moved into centers for one last day of playing mailman in the pretend center. We had tons of fun in the hallway with an obstacle course that took us through the stretchy fish tunnel, down the hall on a scooter and back on the trike. At the art table we practiced peeling the back off stickers and make a heart collage. Then after a quick recess some of our moms and dads arrived for our short party. First we worked on a heart shaped frame with a pick of each student inside. Then we moved to the snack table for a cupcake from our friend Noah....Thanks Noah and Noah's mom for the yummy snack and plates and napkins for our fun party. Then we got to practice our mailman skills and deliver our valentine notes and treats in our friends mailbags. We finished our day with a short circle time where we are practicing our phone numbers. Some of my friends are working hard on saying the numbers as they see them and some are doing awesome telling me what number comes next before they see it! I'm very proud of them all!

Just a quick reminder the students do not have school until Tuesday February 17th. I am looking forward to meeting with each of you this week for parent teacher conferences. A note should have gone home today reminding you of your date and time for our meeting. If you are not able to attend this date/time please let me know as soon as possible (856-0413 or so I can reschedule.

I am working on getting some pictures downloaded so I can add them on here of the great things we have been doing at school....stay tuned!

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