Monday, January 26, 2009

Snowmen and Mailman!

Happy Monday! It was a great day back to school to start the week, although a little, or a lot cold!!!! Brrrrr! This morning we started the day by having the students try to take off coats and backpacks on their own with out all of us huddled around to help! They did really well! It took a few minutes for all my friends to get themselves organized and get their things put away but soon enough we were all set and ready to go! Today in circle time we practiced saying the numbers of our phone numbers! Everyone has the "dash" down pat! :)

This afternoon we took a short trip next door to Miss Sara's classroom for our guest Mailman John. He works in the Shawnee area as a postal carrier and came to share some of the things he does in his job and some the equipment he uses. He let us try on his sun hat and test out his spikes for his shoes when it is icey outside! All my friends did really well sitting and listening!

Over the next several weeks we will be having several visitors as we do our community helpers unit. We are looking forward to a visit from a baker and chocolate maker (yum), a dentist, a nurse (Miss Amy's sister), a paramedic, police officer, eye doctor and we are still looking for a vet and fire fighter to come talk to us. If you know of anyone please let me know!

For centers today we talked about snowmen and snowflakes....which we might see falling from the sky soon! :) At the art table we folded paper and snip shapes to make cool snowflakes when they unfolded. We practiced holding our scissors correctly and asking for help if needed. At the floor station we crumpled paper and stuffed three large white trash bags.....any ideas what that might make.....good chance it might turn in to a snow man tomorrow! :) And at the fine motor table we practiced rolling balls to make snowmen.

Kaden was our "teacher" today for circle time and he did a great job leading us through out power point for circle time! We talked about the fact this is our last week in January and counted all the way to 26.....whew!

Tomorrow we will be working on our class trashbag snowman and practicing our cutting skills again to cut out circles for snowmen! We have some great snowman books lined up as well! I will be starting a list of books on side bar of our blog site. This will be a great list of ideas for you to check out at the library or look for in scholastic orders or at the book store!

Have a great day!

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