Friday, September 16, 2011

Week of September 12th

This week we read the book I Am Really Really Concentrating.  We talked about what it means to concentrate and really focus on an activity.  We also talked about obstacle courses and set up a few during centers...those sure are fun!  Our favorite was walk the balance beam, jump through hula hoops and jump on the trampoline!  We have been trying out lots of new games on our classroom iPad.  So far we really like the counting games we have tried and some letter tracing games!  In circle time, we are really enjoying our stretching and yoga activities...they help us relax so we are better able to listen.  We have also really enjoyed seeing what our helper jobs are.  We are learning that 1 or 2 friends each week won't have a helper job but that is ok, because if we don't have one this week, then we will next week! In snack time we are working hard on opening our straw wrappers with out tearing the paper in to several pieces and no blowing our wrapper across the many rules to remember!

Just a reminder, we will go outside every day unless it is raining.  Please be sure to send appropriate attire for your student so they stay warm outside.  This time of year is very tricky to figure out how to dress students each day as the temperature in the morning can be very different from mid and end of the day!  Occasionally we have a spare jacket laying around but that's not guaranteed, so students with out a jacket on days they really need one will need to stay inside.  I am sure you can imagine how hard that is when you are 3 or 4 to stay inside when all your friends go outside!

We are really enjoying specials!  Thanks so much for having library books in backpacks, that is very helpful on library day so we can make sure they get returned! 

Next week (week of September 19th) we will be talking about measuring and reading a book called Just How Long Can a Long String Be?  We will also be talking about apples towards the end of the week and doing one of Miss Amy's favorite fall time activities....making homemade apple sauce! 

Please be sure to check out our lesson plans if you would like to know what we are doing each week.  They are posted in the website links on the right hand side.  Each week they will be labeled with the dates those plans will be in place.

Soon I'll be sending home notes about scheduling Parent Teacher Conferences.  Please be sure to check your child's yellow folder daily as there will be notes and other important information from time to time!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Week of September 5th

This week you recieved information in your child's daily home folder about the Madison Elementary Walk-a-thon.  This is an optional fundraiser to participate in. If you choose to, there is a flyer that explains what you need to do.  If you collect money it needs to be returned to school by Wednesday September 21st.

Book order forms for Scholastic also came home last week.  Please return any order forms or complete the online order by this Friday September 9th if you would like to order books.  Remember, each time you order books we earn bonus points for our classroom which we use to get fun new books for the room. As always, scholastic book orders are optional.

Please be sure to check back often to this blog site.  I will post links to our weekly lesson plans, books we have been reading and other fun activities.  I will also keep the calendar updated on the right hand side. 

Please be sure to be checking your students daily book each day.  While the daily information may be brief I will continue to use this as a place to share important information as well as papers and other information sent home (in the front cover). 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Welcome to a new school year

Welcome!  A new school year is about to start!  I'm very excited to welcome this year's class of preschoolers to my classroom!  This blog will be used through out the year to share information about our classroom and activities as well as to share pictures of my little friends have a great time at school. 

First day of school: Wednesday August 17th